Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cuisinart Popcorn Popper Without Oil


TRAVEL: Hospitalet gelida martorell-road-sant andres of the boat-antennas-Palleja-hospitalet Palleja
KM: 75km
NEWS: After says Carlos on Friday that he would leave on Saturday with some friends from work and that would go through the area of \u200b\u200bMartorell, in search of antennas that are in Palleja, I decided to go with them, because I could not leave on Sunday and wanted me a long run and this route to have new areas for me would be a good start and with peers and coincided with them in any way and the bike seat event.
I am left with Carlos at 8:00 to cogu Llobregat river track that would lead us toward Martorell, he had been with them at 9:15 in Martorell, the Devil's Bridge, we started to shoot until a puncture by sant boi area made us then we had to get the 5 up, lol how did we get to impros hour phone call and so we would see in the games.
We arrived at Devil's Bridge and grace towards me upload and I had seen in many blogs, people who had tried to upload and none had achieved crown, I was gonna be less, lol.


For Carlos, Juan, Angel, Ramon and I looking for Palleja antennas, Angel was known of the route and Charles wore track of the final road towards gelida coguemos few kilometers away is a path that would combine track and sections of trails and some trial bike, new area for me and nice to vez.En sant andres area of \u200b\u200bthe boat, we would leave Juan, I had commitments.
with antennas already in sight, coguemos a path that would lead us to a viewpoint.


We follow the same path and Angel realizes that the creek had poblem with the pedal, there were many solutions as he was a screw came out of the cove and could not anchor well the shoe, soon another puncture and antennas very close, we fix it in no time and continue the march to the antennas.



achieved our objective now was to follow the track towards the village of Palleja, following a path we see that cut the road and that the only way out, it would go down stairs of vertigo.


down this stretch, combine track and any path to reach the village of Palleja, Angel and Ramon there would follow up the cement and Carlos and I molins cogueriamos an entrance to the river and tracks to home.


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