Friday, December 7, 2007

How Much Is A Half Head Of Foils

THURSDAY DECEMBER 13 - 20 hs. Edwin Herbert Hall and consists of the appearance of an electric field in a conductor when it is crossed by a magnetic field. Industrially manufactured sensors based on this principle and can be used to detect the movement of a gear and direction changes, measure speed and position, among many other things.
These devices are integrated and basically give a voltage (voltage) output as a function of magnetic field density at which they are exposed.

we start classifying these sensors into two groups, and switched linear
. Linear Sensors are those in which the output voltage is proportional to the magnetic field strength. On the other hand are those who switched output varies between two values \u200b\u200bthat we call "on" and "off" (on / off) depending on the intensity and / or polarity of the magnetic field. The point (or current) magnetic field needed to switch the sensor is specified for each particular model.

south pole of the magnet and the state "off" against the north pole (for example, allows detection of two sides of a piece).

For linear sensors are used to measure electrical current, proximity between objects, among other things.

The following classification will be useful when choosing a sensor (I hope): Switched

Onmipolar: commute, according to the magnetic field strength. No differ north pole south pole.


: commute according to the intensity and polarity of the magnetic field. The output value is indeterminate in the absence of magnetic field.

Latches: These are equivalent to bipolar, but unlike these the output value remain constant if you remove the applied magnetic field.

  • counter gear teeth is a pill that includes a magnet and a sensor, able to count the teeth of a metal gear that passes in front of him.
  • Differentials: They have immunity to noise caused eg by mechanical variations.
  • Hysteresis: They have a memory that makes them immune to magnetic noise.
  • Linear
  • Linear: the output voltage of this sensor is proportional to the applied magnetic field strength.
  • current sensors, linear sensors are essentially mechanical and operating characteristics specific to mount near wiring and / or platelets.
For many applications it is necessary to build parts with magnets magnets attached or use of particular forms.

These sensors can be obviously connected to any of the available development platforms, as well as to microcontrollers in general.
  • Here is the link to an example of Arduino
  • called ReadingRPM
  • (not well documented, but if you read Processing code can understand it) that uses a hall effect sensor for measure the speed of rotation of a PC fan.
This is another link of a very interesting (and rather complicated) that people did CUI

called Musical Interaction Design with the CREATE USB Interface


Links sensor manufacturers: Allegro MicroSystems

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ice Hair Dye Shoppers Drug Mart

Gainer is a prototyping platform for interactive systems and facilities in general. Gainer can handle sensors and actuators from a PC using Flash, Max / MSP and Processing

. Some points to note are:
can be used in the development and production stages

You can build your own input and output interfaces There are several configurations available
entire project is open (hardware and software)

The project is based on the Cypress CY8C29466 microcontroller. In a future post I discuss a bit what are the characteristics of this microcontroller.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How To Get Confirmation Id For Visa

Monday, November 26, 2007

Does Mahabhringraj Oil Work?

Processing is a development environment that enables artists, designers and enthusiasts in general to create applications for manipulating images, sounds and interaction in general easily.
  • The idea is to present some of the possibilities of processing using a camera.
  • In this article I will concentrate on a program that captures and displays images from the camera constantly, when you click the mouse a new static image is directed toward the viewing area like a photo.

  • The way to implement this program is not unique, choose a form that is easy to read and display multiple processing elements. / / which packages to import. Import


    video. *
    / / declare objects that I use. / / The way to declare an object is: / / Object_type nombreDelObejto; / / myCapture represent the camera.

    myCapture ;
    / / capturedPhoto: storing the captured image to
    / / when you click the mouse
    PIMAG capturedPhoto ;
    / / graphicBuffer is an intermediate object that allows
    / / manipulate graphics

    PGraphics graphicBuffer ;
    / / declare two integers and assign them the value:

    / / w represents the width of an image.
    / / h is the height of an image.

    int w

    = 320
    int h = 240;
    / / declare and initialize a variable that I will / / as an indicator to see if I dump a / / new image in the display. boolean


    / / initialization function: void setup () {

    / / Prepare the display area will be two
    / / images distributed horizontally, / / w * 2 therefore indicates a double width image
    size (w

    2 ,

    h , P2D); / / Black to the bottom of the display area background ( 0 )

    / / I figure to save the picture intermediate
    / / captured graphicBuffer =
    CreateGraphics (
    w, h

    , P2D); / / I think the object that handles the camera: / / In this If used the last camera used by / / quicktime. Parameters: / / this: This application

    / / w, h: are the width and length of the captured image
    / / 5: the number of frames per second capture

    = new

    Capture (

    , w, h , 5 ) } / / This function is called for whenever procesing / / user clicks the mouse void mouseClicked

    () {

    / / Save the current image, this area of \u200b\u200bgraphics
    / / me in the future will draw or work on / / image captured graphicBuffer
    . September
    0 ,

    0 ,
    myCapture ) / / convert the graphics area in a common image / / to be shown easily. capturedPhoto =

    get ();
    / / Inida have captured a new image. newPhoto = true ;

    / / This function is called for each image processing / / disposable camera Void
    captureEvent (

    ) {
    / / Is there a new image from the camera? if ( myCapture . available ()) {

    / / Leo the camera's new image myCapture . read ();
    draw () {

    / / Updates the display with the image obtained

    / / captureEvent () image ( myCapture ,

    / / ask if there is an image captured with the click / / mouse if ( newPhoto
    ! =
    false) {

    / / If no image, the shift in the viewing area, / / next to the image drawn before, so the / / position of this new image will be w, 0 indicating / / a horizontal displacement equal to the width of a
    / / Image (w)

    image (
    capturedPhoto , w

    ) / / Back on warning false image captured at newPhoto = false ;


    Sunday, November 25, 2007

    How Long Does Cake Mate Icing Last