When choosing what type of hosting must be purchased to accommodate any application, it is necessary be clear about requirements the application to make an informed decision about it.
Tecnolema Group offers hosting packages most popular operating services such as Linux and Windows Server 2003.
Both systems are reliable, fast and safe.
Linux Hosting
Regardless of which operating system your computer has either Windows PC, Mac or any other operating system, you can host your site on Linux.
Choose Linux if:
Hosting a page done in Flash, HTML, PHP, Dreamweaver, MySQL, etc..
use the Service only for e-mail.
And in general if it is made known in your page or if you do not need any of the technologies listed below in the explanation of Windows. Choose Linux packages are faster.
Choose Windows if:
Your page is programmed with ASP or Net
Need Access databases, SQL, Server or Fox Pro
Use ActivetX components, ADO or other proprietary Windows.
What if you want to change OS?
You may request to change its account of an operating system to another whenever you want, do not charge any fee for doing so, you should only pay a proportionate share of the price difference between a package and another.
know whether your page works on the server?
Hire an account according to the criteria between Linux and Windows as specified, upon receipt of activation data follow the steps described to transfer files to your web server and check its operation. Do not worry, you need to change OS does not charge setup costs.
If you have further questions, please contact Tel: (01-55) 5932-6451 or email:
ventas@grupotecnolema.com.mx or online: grupotecnolema@hotmail.com
happy to assist you.
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